Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Algebra for Breakfast Review

Algebra for Breakfast
Algebra for Breakfast is an interesting and visual approach to beginning algebra. For this review we were given 6 months of access to the Grade 5/6 Topics List plus a set of Math Dice. We did not need to purchase the manipulatives because we already had this particular set. However I will say that the manipulatives are integral to the success of the program. This supplemental math program is visual and hands-on. It focuses on teaching foundational Algebra topics and breaking them down to be simple and easy to understand. 

Each lesson consists of a video lesson and a corresponding worksheet. The video lessons were all recorded live in front of a group of students. The corresponding worksheet is a way for the students to concretely practice the concepts of the lesson. Now you should know that I am not a worksheet, drill and kill, type of mama when it comes to math. I don't appreciate worksheets full of busy work, problem after similar problem, and either do my kids. These worksheets are not busy work. They are sufficient reinforcement and train the student to think in pictures which in turn teaches them to internalize and visualize the math concepts. 

A second component that I really appreciate about this supplemental program is the games that are included. I love games. I always try to make learning more fun by playing a game. I guess that is what appealed to me so much about this program. Each game is explained in detail in the very beginning of the program with video demonstrations that teach you how to play the game. I especially appreciate how positive and negative numbers are presented. Before this math my son had not been exposed to negative numbers in his formal math curriculum. They are presented so clearly and effectively that he can easily compute problems containing both positive and negative numbers, including all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 

Let's talk about the subscription length, because after all this is a subscription based product. Now usually I'm hesitant to enroll my kids in a subscription based course--especially if it is a product that I think I will want to use with a different child in the future. I really don't have that problem with this curriculum. There are a couple reasons for this. One is that since I am using this with my youngest child, I most likely won't need it for another child. A second reason is because since this is a supplemental program, we will be able to finish all of the lessons within the six month time period. And I have full confidence that the concepts will be truly mastered.

I really think this is a great curriculum and love that it is titled Algebra for Breakfast. Think about when you first wake up, you eat your breakfast. Go ahead and complete your Algebra at the same time! It's simply genius. Short lessons, hands-on materials, games, and worksheets help to make these Algebra concepts accessible to students as young as third grade.

Curious what other reviewers had to say about this product? Head on over to the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read all the reviews.

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