Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Captain Absolutely Review

 Captain Absolutely
Focus on the Family recently published this amazing graphic novel called Captain Absolutely. My son has enjoyed reading it. It's in such a fun format, what's not to love?

In the beginning pages of the book, the author, Wooton Z. Bassett, explains the beginnings of Captain Absolutely. He created this comic to share his worldview through the lens of the Bible. "As Christians, our worldview is shaped by the absolute truth found in the Bible." The author wrote this book to "show how the bad guys try to mess with your vision--and how to combat those lies." The book took two years to complete--he wrote and "illustrated two pages at a time for Focus on the Family Clubhouse magazine."

OK with that information out of the way, I can say that my son did enjoy reading the book. Of course the comic book format can appeal to a wide variety of ages. I think even adults would enjoy reading this one. But for a parent who is looking for wholesome reading for their kids, then this is one of those that you can just go ahead and hand over. No need to worry about it being inappropriate. It's actually quite entertaining.
This book can be purchased online directly from Tyndale for $9.99. This book is actually a spin-off of the popular Adventures in Odyssey series. It actively entertains kids while educating them with a Biblical worldview.

Now I am not a comic book type person--but I can easily see how this will easily appeal to a wide variety of ages. I mean my 12 year old had no trouble reading it and following the story line. I think I would like to read through it myself so that I can pick out some topics to discuss further. Or maybe even just to find out what he thinks about some of the events that happened in the book.

I asked my son what his favorite part of the book was and he said all of it. Haha. But really while he did enjoy the book, he always looked forward to seeing Captain Absolutely overcome Dr. Relative. In the beginning two friends are browsing the library, when suddenly a massive explosion occurs. This is when Captain Absolutely first realizes his powers and has his first encounter with Dr. Relative. The battle continues throughout the book.

In the back of the book are explanation of the different characters. Each character sketch includes that person's worldview, lists their superpowers, their height, and other various tidbits including their biggest problems. This section even includes Bible verses to help with the different problems the characters face. I love that some big questions are listed in the back of the book along with page numbers where you can find proof for your answers according to a Biblical worldview.

This is a quick, easy read that we would definitely recommend to our friends. I hope there will be more books like this in the future.

Curious what other reviewers had to say about this product? Head on over to the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read all the reviews.

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