Monday, August 5, 2013

First day of school: 2013

Today was our first day of school. Well, actually, it was our First Day of School "Back to School Party"! We went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate then to help our Aunt and Uncle do some chores around their house. They bought us McDonald's for dinner. So tomorrow will be our first "official" school day at Rose Academy. Enjoy our back to school photos:

You can see they each decorated their grade signs with their own personal style. I love how unique and personal each of their signs turned out. It just proves that God created them each with their own personality. It is my prayer that each one of them will love Jesus more each day and wills seek to serve Him with their talents and abilities.


  1. They all look so excited and cute!

    I didn't know you have a blog. I was linking up to the Blog Hop, and there were your children smiling at me just a few linkys ahead of me. Funny!

  2. That's a great idea to have them make their own sign! So cute! I found your blog through the Blog Hop!


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